
Wreck This Journal: Now in Color By: Keri Smith

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $12.80.

SKU: HP92713826190 Category:


Wreck This Journalis a creative, fun, and highly interactive way to step outside the box and throw yourself into the world of lived art. . .the opposite of traditional journaling.

Integrating subversive (and often destructive) actions-“fling coffee here” and “collect fruit stickers here,” along with writing and drawing prompts like “document a boring event in detail” or “Sleep with the journal. Describe the experience here,” this unique book will free readers of the compulsion to write neatly, keep the binding intact, and progress chronologically. Great for creative types itching for some sanctioned destruction, or for “Type As” who want to loosen up a bit!

Paperback: 5.5″ W x 8.25″ H, 224 Pages


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