
Ill Never Let You Go by Smriti Prasadam-Halls and Alison Brown

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $6.39.

SKU: HP92713824226 Category:


When you love someone, you stand by them no matter what happens.

In good times . . .
When you’re excited, the world joins with you,
You bounce all about–look, I’m bouncing, too!

In bad times . . .
When you are sad and troubled with fears,
I hold you close and dry all your tears.

And all the times in between.
When you are high and when you are low,
I’ll be holding your hand . . . and I’ll never let go.

From Bloomsbury Childrens Books Publishing, I’ll Never Let You Goallows you to share this beautiful celebration of unconditional love with someone special in your life.

26 pages forages 5 and up in two different sizes


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