
Stop Asking How Was Your Day by Daniel J Crawford

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Weve all been there:The kids comehomefrom school tired and distracted, and we try to connect with thembyasking the same questions day after day.Well, this book will help you find the right questions to connect with your child today and every day.

Howwas school?Whatdid you learn today?Didyou have fun? If we are lucky, wemightgetalittle more thanFineorItwas good in return. Maybe we’re asking the wrong questions. The good news is that this book will help you find the right questionstoconnect with your child every day.Stop Asking “How Was Your Day?”is an invaluable toolthatcan be used again and again. Easy toflip throughwhile waitingin the pickup lane outside schoolor before sitting down to dinner, this book provides diverse and open-ended questions for parents of schoolchildrenofall ages and walks of life. Some questions are fun, some are thoughtful, and some are silly. Ultimately, this book is about communication.

As we all know, communication is a two-way street, andStop Asking “How Was Your Day?”alternates the queries withLeadby Example sections that prompt parents to share something fromtheirown experiences tohelp them connect with their children.


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